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Our Departments

The Labour Department is the Ministry’s focal point agency responsible for implementation of the three major Labour Laws; namely:      

  • The Employment Act, 2007
  • The Labour Institutions Act, 2007
  • The Labour Relations Act, 2007.

This is done through formulation and implementation of the National Labour Legislation and policy through the National Labour Board and sectoral wages councils as well as the National Tripartite Consultative Council.

The Department is also responsible for operationalizing the tripartite mechanism in handling labour issues through a tripartite dialogue process which involves consultation between workers, employers and government representatives.   

Vision Of The Department : To be the lead agency in the promotion of Decent Work for All

Mission Of The Department: To formulate, coordinate and implement sound labour and employment policies for the attainment of social justice, industrial peace and enabling environment for employment creation

Strategic Objectives Of The Department:

  • Promotion of  harmonious industrial  labour relations, social dialogue and fair labour practices
  • Promotion of fundamental principles and rights at work.

Vision: Organized and accountable trade unions
Mission: To provide a healthy regulatory framework for trade union  activities.
Mandate: To ensure effective and efficient registration of trade unions in compliance with the constitution, the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and other related Labour laws.


  • Registration of trade unions, employer’s organizations and federations and their branches.
  • Registration of elected officials after the general elections and by-elections.
  • Registration of trade unions constitutions or any amendments thereof and change of name(s).
  • Inspection of trade unions books of accounts and records.
  • Updating trade union membership records upon receipt and scrutiny of the Annual Returns.
  • Preparing submissions and liaising with the Office of the Attorney General on cases brought against the Registrar or where the Registrar is a Respondent.
  • General administration of the trade unions under the provisions of the relevant laws thereto.
  • Registration of amalgamations of trade unions, employers’ organizations and federations.
  • Directing all registered trade unions, employers’ organizations and federations to carry out elections after the mandatory five years in accordance with the Labour Relations Act,
  • Determination of trade unions disputes arising from their operations in accordance with the law and their constitutions.
  • Cancellation and/or suspension of trade unions which are dissolved or have ceased to exist or are operating in contravention of the law.
  • Issuance of Extracts (registered officials) of trade unions, employers’ organization and federations upon request


The National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre (NPCC) was established in 2002 as the National Productivity Organization (NPO) with the mandate of promoting productivity management to enhance the Country’s economic growth and competitiveness. The Centre implements productivity improvement activities countrywide at national and county levels for public and private sector organizations and companies. In a nutshell, implementation of productivity improvement programmes and enhancement of competitiveness is the Centre’s core business.

NPCC is a Department under the State Department for Labour in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection  and was previously known as “Productivity Centre of Kenya” until mid 2016 when Executive Order No. 1 of May 2016 changed the name to “National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre” (NPCC).

Vision: To be a centre of excellence for productivity management in Kenya
Mission: To promote best practices in the public and private sector and enhance factor productivity and competitiveness
Mandate of NPCC: The mandate of NPCC is “National  Labour Productivity and Competitiveness”and is anchored on;

✓Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2013 on “National Productivity Policy” which was approved by the National Assembly on 4th  August2015
✓Executive Order No. 1 of May 2016
✓ Executive Order No. 1 of June, 2018

Core Functions

NPCC executes its mandate through the following core functions:-

  • Spearhead productivity movement in the country through awareness creation aimed at inculcating a culture of productivity in Kenya.
  • Productivity measurement at the national, sectoral and firm level to develop various productivity indices.
  • Implement productivity improvement programmes in public and private sector organizations aimed at enhancing their profitability and competitiveness.
  • Enhancing the country’s competitiveness through implementation of productivity improvement programmes. The Centre is in the process of developing a strategy that will guide competitiveness enhancement activities in the country.
  • Acquire, process and disseminate relevant productivity information q Influence policies affecting issues of productivity and competitiveness in Kenya.

Contact Information
National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre,
NSSF Building , BLOCK C,  5THFLOOR, Bishop Road,
P.O Box 5078-00200,
Telephone No. 020600537
Email Address:

Mandate: The mandate of the Directorate is to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Occupational safety and health Act 2007 and promote safety and health of workers.

Mission statement: To promote a safe and health workplace by implementing effective systems for the prevention of Occupational diseases, ill health accidents and damage to property in order to reduce the cost of production and improve productivity in all sectors of our economic activities

Core functions include

  • Inspecting workplaces to ensure compliance with safety and health law
  • Examination and testing of steam boilers, air & steam receivers, gas cylinders, lifts, cranes chains and other lifting equipment
  • Measurements of workplace pollutants for purposes of their control
  • Investigation of occupational accidents and diseases with a view to preventing recurrence
  • Medical examinations of workers
  • Training on Occupational safety and health, first aid and fire safety
  • Approving architectural plans of building intended for use as workplaces
  • Disseminating information on occupational safety and health to customers

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services (DOSHS)
Safety House
Commercial street, Industrial area
P.O Box 34120 – 00100
Email: ,
Tel.No. 020 266 7722, 0775 833 675, 0775 833 676


The Directorate of Labour Market Research and Analysis has its origin from the two former departments of Manpower Planning and Manpower Development.  The two had the broad mandates of ensuring Kenyans have information on the current stock and future requirement of manpower in the country and the development of policies and strategies that ensure that skills required by industry are readily available.   A lot has since changed from the early eighties when the two departments came into being and later merged to form the department of National Human Resource Planning and Development (NHRPD).

NHRPD came into being following a report on the re-organization and staffing of the Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development in the year 2007.  In fulfilling its policy mandate of National Human Resource Planning and Development, the department had two primary roles of Labour Market Research & Policy formulation and; Labour Market Analysis and Dissemination of Labour Market Information.  To better reflect its primary role and functions NHRPD has been renamed the Directorate of Labour Market Research and Analysis (LMRA).


“Provider of Labour Market Information for Creation of Decent Work and optimal utilization of human resource”.


 “To develop policies and programmes and provide labour market information for creation of decent work and optimum utilization of Kenyan human resource


The Directorate derives its mandates from successive Presidential Executive orders with the most recent one of stipulating its functions as

  •        National Human Resource planning and Development
  •        National Skills inventory

The Directorate is responsible for provision of accurate, relevant and up-to-date Labour Market Information and development of National Human Resource Planning and Development policies; developing and disseminating policy proposals on matters pertaining to skills development and training; assessment of skills mismatch and gaps in various sectors of the economy; reviewing and updating internationally benchmarked Standards for classification of Occupations and Industries within the National economy.


  1.                        Taking Stock of skills supply and demand countrywide and future manpower requirements.
  2.                  Establishing and maintaining an up-to-date 'National skills inventory' and 'National database for skill deficiency mapping' on a         national  web portal-for exchange of information between training institutions, employers & employment seekers.
  3.                        Monitoring employment trends, skill gaps and mismatch in the labour market and producing quarterly briefs on the same.
  4.                 Conducting periodic surveys on labour market skills requirements and  develop policy  briefs to advice training institutions and job seekers    appropriately to ensure that training and skills match the job market requirements;     
  5.                   Synthesizing research findings, emerging positions and produce policy briefs on the findings and disseminate to stakeholders through appropriate channels;
  6.                     Assessing skill deficits by sector and region and develop policies and guidelines for bridging gaps in a finite time frame
  7.                Regularly undertake occupational studies to update and maintain the National Occupational Classification standard and development of the   occupational outlook.
  8.                 Overseeing the production and dissemination of quality labour market information in the country to stakeholders on a quarterly basis.
  9.                    Regularly updating and maintaining current labour market statistics
  10.                     Secretariat to the National Manpower Development Committee


In fulfilling its mandates, the department of National Human Resource Planning and Development has over the years achieved several milestones in the execution of its functions.

  •           Since its inception the directorate has carried out two successfully manpower survey in the years 1986/87 and 2010/2011   and the results disseminated to the stake holders.  The results provided an overview of the stock, characteristics and distribution of skilled manpower in the country and form the basis for manpower planning, development and utilization in the country.
  •          In the intervening periods, the department has also carried out numerous sectoral establishments’ surveys and training institutions surveys. The sectoral surveys provides the short term skills demand, shortages and gaps within the various sectors of the economy, it also avails future manpower requirements within the sectors.
  •          The Survey of Training in Local Institutions (STLI) is also a function of the department, the most recent report of this study was published and disseminated in 2016/2017, the survey monitors the types, size and level of skills flow into the Labour Market.
  •            LMRA in collaboration with the ICT Authority developed an interactive Web-based Labour Market Information System (KLMIS) that stared operating in July 2017. The LMIS is a one stop labour market information shop that provides timely, accurate and reliable Labour Market Information and published statistical survey reports.
  •       To enhance the functionality of the Kenya labour Market information System the department established the labour Market Observatory unit (The Analytical arm) whose main objective is to provide relevant, quality and timely labour market information to be disseminated through the KLMIS for users to make informed decisions regarding the labour market situation in Kenya. The LMO generates and updates on regularly basis labour market information, key labour market indicators and labour market intelligence and creates awareness on labour market dynamics
  •        Periodically using the data from the Census labour Module, Kenya Continuous Household Survey and other administrative data the LMO produces on quarterly labour information of skills in demand, growing and declining occupation, Key labour market indicators and relevant market intelligence.
  •        Periodically, the department also collects and analyzes job vacancies advertised in mainstream newspapers under the job opportunity analysis (JOA) function. The JOA provides Job opportunity indices (JOI) which give insights on the number of vacancies, skill requirements and location of jobs in different sectors.
  •        LMRA Successfully executed, published and disseminated the first ever Informal Sector Skill and Occupations Survey (ISSOS) this year 2020. The survey provided the overall characteristics of skills and occupations prevalent in the informal sector, among others.
  •         LMRA in collaboration with Key stakeholders produced the first National Standard Industrial classification of all economic Activities.  (KeSIC)in the year 2021.  The Kenya Standard Industrial Classification (KeSIC). It provides a coherent system for organizing data collected during Census, Surveys or administrative records that requires the classification of economic activities. It is also be used in the compilation, presentation and analysis of a wide range of statistics, including national income, production, as well as demographic, social and labour statistics.
  •      LMRA has revised the Kenya National Occupational Classification Standard developed in the year 2000 and produced current the Kenya Standard Classification of Occupations (KeSCO).  KESCO is the standard reference of occupations in Kenya and used to Facilitate collection of occupational information among others
  •     LMRA Successfully executed and published the Employer Skills and Occupations Survey 2022. The survey provided the overall characteristics of skills and occupations prevalent in the formal sector among other indicators.


The functions include: -

(i)            formulation of National Institutional Framework to improve post training skills;

(ii)           overseeing skills development among actors and establishment of Sector Specific Skills Councils;

(iii)          establishment and management of institutional framework for linking industry, skills development and training;

(iv)         implementation of the industrial attachment policy;

(v)          management of skills and post training policy;

(vi)         harmonization of skills training at all levels of training;

(vii)        management of National Skills Development Fund;

(viii)       implementation of the National Apprenticeship Policy;

(ix)          maintenance of National Database of Skills; and

(x)           assessing industrial training, testing and occupational skills and awarding certificates including Government Test Certificates.

Functions of the Directorate entail:

(i)            Coordinate labour migration management and provide information, services and technical advice to the government, workers and employers organizations and other stakeholders on all Labour Migration Management matters;

(ii)           Develop legal and institutional framework and promote cooperation and partnership on Labour Migration Management;

(iii)          Promote fundamental principles and rights at work for Migrant workers;

(iv)         Promote social dialogue and coordinate decent work programmes in relation to Labour Migration Management;

(v)          Implement National and international Labour Migration Management policies and international jobs policy; and related programmes;

(vi)         Advise and recommend on issuance of work permits;

(vii)        Monitor labour immigration and migration trends and related issues;

(viii)       Implement International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and other related funded projects and programmes in relation to Labour Migration Management;

(ix)          Promote International Labour Standards in relation to migrant workers and protect migrant workers through Labour Protection Services;

(x)           Promote safe and orderly migration of labour migrants and develop  programmes for reintegration for migrant workers;

(xi)          Receive and resolve labour complaints from migrant workers or/and next of kin; and

(xii)         Undertake research and development on Labour Migration Management matters and disseminate of information on labour migration.